Synopsis: This series follows a young girl unaware of her past, she has horns and an incredible power, she can summon powerful invisible hands called vectors. She befriends a boy that soon developes a complicated relationship with a familar past of stories. An organisation that knows of her and seek to recapture her.
Review: An extremely gory series with plenty of story to keep you entertained. Her powers at first appear to be telekinesis but soon explains otherwise, personally i would have prefered that concept. It is a well drawn and figured series, some pointless nude scene, but hey thats anime for you
Rating: 7/10
The dog is ultimately cute in this anime... Just had to say. haha!
ReplyDeleteBut I quite liked Elfen Lied. Reason was because it was the most goriest anime I had ever seen. I wished it was more horrifying though. I like horror anime. =)